Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Piano and Christmas trees

The girls performed their Christmas songs for people who were visiting the local "Festival of Trees." Then they chose some of their personal favorites.

Happy birthday, Max! (part 2)

Happy birthday, Max!

Max received a few of his favorite things for his third birthday: cars, lala-Nemos, books and food!

Gracie gets baptized

Grace turned 8 in November, and that meant it was time for her to be baptized. Ba did the honors, and Grace looked like an angel. Hard to believe she was just 3 pounds when she was born premature eight years ago. Now she's looking very grown up!

Thanksgiving fun with Grammy, Ba and Z, part 2

Of course, the post-Thanksgiving festivities are almost as fun as the eating. Almost.

Thanksgiving fun with Grammy, Ba and Z

Thanks to our visitors from Texas, who helped us prepare and eat our Thanksgiving feast, a jolly time was had by all.

Pre-Thanksgiving wackiness

Sometimes, strange things happen around our home. They may involve large musical instruments, or small mesh bags. Either way, wackiness ensues.

Jingle bells - from Emma to you!

Emma is learning to play my euphonium in band at school. I think she's made amazing progress for a fifth grader with just a couple of months of practice and no individual lessons — especially with Max hanging around!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Max and friend

Max has had the chance to hang out with some of the boys from the neighborhood this fall, and we think he enjoys the change of pace from having primarily little girls around!

Our own little Tink

The theme for Grace's birthday party will shock no one. However, when we were a little late getting the cake, we had to opt for something that had a bit of a hulkish influence. Hey, there were boys at the party, too!

Halloween at school

We had a pig, a Mythbuster and a vet in the family this year. And is that a well-known wizard prowling the halls?

You call this raking?

Our children, and some neighbor kids, decided to "help" Stacey rake up some of the never-ending supply of fall leaves in our front yard this year. Quite helpful, don't you think?

Halloween at the zoo!

Our little ones got dressed up in their Halloween costumes for a trip to "Boo at the Zoo." Turns out they were there one day early, so they were the only kids dressed up. But they still had a great time.