Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The travel goes ever on and on

Back from our summer of travel ... with just a little travel left!
Pictures to follow ASAP ... here are the trips:
Los Angeles, California, in mid-May for Cassie's law school grad
Sugar Land, Texas, for three weeks in June/early July for Em's basketball camp, Kate's birthday and lots of family-type hanging out and fun! My mom and Z came back with me and stayed a couple weeks, and at the end of THAT visit my dad came, too. They left July 20.
End of July-early August: South Dakota and Iowa for Greg's folks' 50th wedding anniversary celebration, family reunion, trip to Brookings to see the Weirds and trip to Iowa to admire Aunt Lisa's keen new house! WHEW!
Still upcoming ... the Johnsons and the Thomases arrive tomorrow night (Wednesday, Aug. 12) for a week of fun followed by the Young-Johnson reunion in Altamont, followed by possibly more family visiting.
And then the travel will be over for a while ... and then MAYBE we can all draw a breath!