Sunday, January 25, 2009
Emma plays!
Emma sang in the choir, then dashed to her seat in the band to play a tune. And when that was done, she would dash back to the choir. Quite a musical workout!
Emma sings! - take 1
As noted in the photos below, Emma had quite an active Christmas concert at school, with both singing and playing her euphonium, so I thought I'd share a few samples for you.
Max is three!
We've fallen behind on videos, just like we fell behind on photos, which means we're only now posting this video from Max's birthday. But we thought you'd like to hear him talk about how old he is now! Hard to believe, isn't it?
Weird hair days
Musical munchkins
Our little ones showed off their musical talents before Christmas. Em participated in concerts for both band and choir, including one concert in which she had to run back and forth between the two. She loves playing the euphonium and singing.
All of the girls also took part in a Christmas piano recital, playing both solos and duets. They're getting quite good!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Jumpin' January
The kids have found plenty of ways to have fun at home, too, as in this pic where Em and Max make use of the overturned couch in new and creative ways while Greg and I give the living room a good post-holidays cleaning.
Happy MYTHday to Emma!
I read them the questions and they conferred among themselves before guessing, and Gracie kept track of points (she felt a little too shy to participate on a team at this point).
We had other activities, as well. In homage to the "Chicken Gun" episode, we found a plastic "Chicken Chucker" gun of our own that shoots tiny rubber chickens, and the kids competed to see who could shoot the chicken the furthest. We also had a pirate myth (of course!) where they wore an eyepatch to see if it helped them read a sign in the dark (the sign read, "I reject your reality and substitute my own," one of Em's favorite quotes from the show!).
We divided into two groups, and one tried to see how many times they could fold a piece of letter-sized paper (the best anyone did was 7, tying the Mythbusters!) while the other tried to construct a usable rope from toilet paper to test if it's plausible that prisoners could escape from jail with toilet-paper ropes (it is: all of our ropes held at least 10 pounds). Then we came back together for food, present-opening, in which Emma scored big-time, and cake (with sparklers instead of candles for that explosive "Mythbusters" touch), plus the grand finale: exploding five bottles of Diet Coke using Mentos (we did this outside, of course!). It was quite a day, and the 23 kids in our house (yes, you read that right) had a great time!
Hot new looks
A few days after Christmas, Em and I discovered a new use for the chopsticks she got for Christmas from her friend, Alex. Lookin' pretty good considering no brush was used!

A few days after that, we got a package from Grammy and Ba Johnson with new finery for the kiddies. Here they all are modeling it, with Max sporting a kung fu-Cars accent,

Emma being goofy, as usual (in a few years that wave'll be "Live Long and Prosper"),

Gracie looking disturbingly grown up (she loves this top for three reasons: 1) it has pockets, 2) it has sparkly jewels on the front, and 3) despite the jewels, it's soft!),

Kate showing off her pretty dress AND the new CTR ring she got in church that day (that's a sign for LDS kids that they've moved into the bigger kids' classes, though not the BIGGEST),

and all of them looking darling, if a bit silly as well!
A few days after that, we got a package from Grammy and Ba Johnson with new finery for the kiddies. Here they all are modeling it, with Max sporting a kung fu-Cars accent,
Emma being goofy, as usual (in a few years that wave'll be "Live Long and Prosper"),
Gracie looking disturbingly grown up (she loves this top for three reasons: 1) it has pockets, 2) it has sparkly jewels on the front, and 3) despite the jewels, it's soft!),
Kate showing off her pretty dress AND the new CTR ring she got in church that day (that's a sign for LDS kids that they've moved into the bigger kids' classes, though not the BIGGEST),
and all of them looking darling, if a bit silly as well!
Our Merry Christmas
Christmas this year was much more low-key than in years past. For one thing, we weren't at anyone's house, and we didn't have any company! This turned out to be a good thing, since Greg had pneumonia the entire Christmas-to-New-Year's period.
Grace got such a load of Tinkerbell stuff that I can't describe it all, but here's just a sampling: Tink sheets, Tink pajamas (two pairs), Tink shirts (two), a Tink art set, the Tink movie, Tink purses (two), Tink books, Tink coloring books, Tink jewelry ... the list goes on.
Kate got a lot of princess stuff: slippers, lap desk, movie, tea set, etc. She also got lots of cute clothes, something she really needed. The whole family seemed to tune into this: besides Santa, Grammy, Aunt Jen, Aunt Cass and Aunt Lisa all pitched in to stock up Kate's wardrobe.
Shockingly, Max got a lot of car-related items, including the movie "Cars" from Santa, a Doc Hudson car from Mommy and Daddy, a "Cars" car hauler from Aunt Lisa, "Cars" socks and gloves from Grandma and Grandpa Kratz and a "Cars" cup and robe from Aunt Jen and Uncle Brad. At one point he was watching the movie while using/playing with nearly all the others at the same time.
The kids also got a lot of shared gifts: a "marbleworks" course (you build a sort of roller coaster for marbles in lots of configurations), tons of art supplies and several games.
Johnson Family Christmas party
The Orson Johnson family Christmas party is a big part of our Christmas every year here in Utah. This year, my cousin, Nicki, and I were in charge (representing our dads' extended families). The past few years,
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