Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Max's month

Max had a month of ups and downs, as you'll see! This first, kind of scary picture, is our little boy the evening after he was anesthetized for an early-morning dental appointment. Mommy didn't much like holding him after the first shot to help him go under (it reminded me of those gazelles they "dart" in old episodes of "Wild Kingdom), but he came through fine except for a little drowsiness and a stubborn refusal to let me take these leads off his chest and abdomen. I finally got them off right after taking this pic — when he was asleep!

Sleeping again — Greg often remarks on my affinity for photos of the kids sleeping — this time in mid-play session: feet resting on his car track, belly-down on a board book, potty in the back corner and his new "rotten" pillow cradling his head. Our little boy!

Max loves this fire truck book, which he got at our school's Literacy Night. He and Em enjoy a reading session under the same blanket — they did this themselves, and I thought it was pretty cute!

While Em and Gracie played at the house of some friends, Max and Kate helped me mow the lawn. Here they are sweeping up clippings ...

... and here's Max sporting some unique broom action!

Earlier this week, he romped around in two of his favorite clothing items: blue "Cars" robe and "Huppaman" cape. So the past few weeks started a little rough, but they're ending with fun!

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