Greg had a really, really tiring (and sometimes trying) week last week; working tons of extra hours, fulfilling church responsibilities, etc. etc. He didn't get much sleep and, to top it all off, he had to skip his Friday lunch with his work buddies, which is a real stress-buster for him. So the kids and I decided to surprise him with ... bacones! He'd discovered them on the Web somewhere, so I looked them up and found a recipe (see it for yourself at A few ingredients and almost five hours later, voila! A cone of thick-cut maple-smoked honey bacon filled with O'Brien-style hash browns and my special scrambled eggs, topped with country gravy and a biscuit. In other words, food heaven for Greg.
Gazing into the salty-sweet depths of a bacone, before it's filled. The cones are shaped on a foil-covered form made of metal screen (I cut up two dollar-store grease guards to make them), then covered with another screen to help the bacon keep its cone shape. Then you deep-fry 'em. Yes, they're evil from a health perspective, but boy, does evil taste good!
Gracie with her bacone (the foil was just to keep them standing up). Strangely, our bacon-loving girl seemed to resent the presence of the eggs, hash browns, gravy and biscuit and obviously preferred a PLAIN bacone to the filled ones.
All the bacone fixin's awaiting assembly. Putting them together takes just a second; it's all the preparation that chews up the time. Luckily, all this stuff keeps well in a warm oven.
A tray of bacones. Note the mini-bacone in the middle; it's the first one I did and the bottom-most layer of bacon fell off during cooking. You'll be shocked to hear that Grace ate it. Besides that tiny one, the 11 other bacones I cooked were made of three pieces of bacon each. In other words, an AMPLE serving of bacon!
The only problem was, he liked it so much he wouldn't eat the frog itself; just the off-cut pieces!
This one has nothing to do with food, but it's such a cute picture of a sleeping boy and his daddy, marred only by the hideous Chiefs pullover Greg is wearing.
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