This picture embodies everything we love about our Maxie: a sweet, darling, angelic little boy in a BYU T-shirt, with beautiful eyes and long eyelashes and rosy cheeks, sleeping in a cozy little nest ... with a knife. Sure, it's a plastic one, but only because he can't get at the real ones. Can he really be a big 4-year-old already? Examine these photos and decide for yourself.

After refusing to admit he was three for that entire year ("NO! I two!"), Max embraced being 4, even before the actual day. At his party, he told people over and over that he is 4 now.

Of course, his cake featured "Cha-Chow," known to the rest of the world as Lightning McQueen of "Cars" fame. The cupcakes were a big hit, though we all felt cheated later when we cut into the little mini-cake and it was WHITE cake. What's up with that???

As the pix make clear, we had the party at Burger King, possibly Max's favorite place on earth. I don't know how other BKs do their parties, but this one was fabulous: FREE, for one thing, and they set aside most of the playplace tables for us, with cool SpongeBob crowns for everybody. We started the party with kids' meals, though we had a hard time getting most of the excited little boys to eat much of anything; they all wanted to head for the tunnels and slides.

Max got some sweet presents from his friends: his first Bakugan, from Jack, which Emma immediately began scheming how to steal ...

... a cool truck/trailer/four-wheeler combo with motorhead-ish sound effects from Brad ...

... and, visible in the background here, a Cha-Chow erasable learning pad from Mason, which as you can see was very attractive to several party guests.

This is Max at home, the night before (on his ACTUAL birthday), listening to a recorded rendition of "Happy Birthday" from cousins. As you can see, he liked it.

A couple years ago, Max got a Spiderman playset from Grammy and Ba that he was really too young to enjoy much at the time. But he sure enjoys it now! I'll be working on the computer or doing dishes or reading a book, when suddenly I'll hear this "whi-SHOOOO!" sound and look up to see what I call The Cutest Tiny Spiderman in the World shooting web at me. Go, Spidey, go!

Can he swing from a web? Yes, he can: he's the Cutest Tiny Spiderman in the World!

Always ready for action: that's SpiderMax! (hey, that's an even BETTER name than CTSITW!)
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